Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dictionaries and References (2.46c)

* OED 及 Oxref 公眾止步
* 各中文字典因轉碼關係, 需經offical gateway使用原網頁, 不能直接搜尋.

Oxbridge Dictionaries

Oxford Advanced
Oxford Reference
| Cambridge

國語辭典 [字詞 釋義 全部 ]
民教: 國語辭典附錄 | 簡編本 | 小字典 | 異體字字典 | 成語典 | Offical gateway | gateway(2) | Home
[Fulltext Head Char ] [ Boolean: off and or ]
[Ignore Case Substring ] [ Order: all seq. rev. ]

| 粵漢對照 | CUHK References | Offical gateway

Yahoo! 字典
| WordNet

| 康熙字典 | 漢典 | ISO漢字查詢 | wikipedia | 東東詞庫 | 政府辭彙 | | HKCEE SciG | 線上辭典集 | 拼音標注 | 喃喃轉拼 | 潘悟雲中古音 | etym
tmp: 法律詞彙

Non-english: G.lang | Babelfish | Beolingus | leo | WWWJDIC

舊約 [現修 標和 欽定 ] [條列 整段 ]
新約 [現修 標和 欽定 ] [條列 整段 ]
思高 | NJPS | NJB | NRSV | sprg和合本 | 新經 (2) | 聖詠 | 牧靈 | 台灣聖經公會 | caths | 呂振中 | 新譯本 | 新漢語 | Phillips | Offical gateway | Believe

Lit: | Gutenberg | upenn | ibiblio | caltechc | caltechc(b5) | oxlib | 文搜 | 開文
xiqu: 全元曲 | 國學
Sci: Fermi | AmSci | vias | arxiv
Hist: co129 | hkul | ODL | 副刊 | 舊報 | 玲瓏 | 大公 | HK40s | 中研院漢籍 | 東大善本 | 唐明清律 | 歷史圖檔 | 新亞漢籍
Hist forum: 刑科題本 | 史學連線
Games: orisinal | troyis | heli

News: BBC | 蘋果 | 明報 | Moscow | Times | DW | Spiegel
Blog: 梁啟智 | 思存 | Rm501
Img: wga openclipart
Film: opensubtitles | samsung | imdb

Opensrc: GNU | sourceforge | osswin | TheOpenCD | Loop | Wiki | GnuWinII | W3C | | OSI | fonts | OpenSci | micro | doom9
Compu: G.lang | tasklist | gfw.test
Traffic: kmb | MTR | KCR |
Map: G.maps | 中原地圖 (o) | moming | 黃頁地圖 | HGL | 中國地圖 | CHGIS
gov: forms | stat
Info: bookprice | misc | 愛問

web version
Revision History
Revision version 2.00 - 2003.11.01 - NSF - Add bible reference section
Revision version 2.01 - 2003.11.04 - NSF - Add on-line chinese dict
Revision version 2.02 - 2003.12.18 - NSF - Add 4reference/
Revision version 2.03 - 2003.12.23 - NSF - Add InterTran
Revision version 2.04 - 2003.12.23 - NSF - Add Bablefish; add HKdict; delete InterTran
Revision version 2.05 - 2004.01.20 - NSF - Add WWWJDIC and 東東詞庫 on probation
Revision version 2.06 - 2004.01.20 - NSF - Add 粵漢對照
Revision version 2.07 - 2004.05.13 - NSF - Change bible reference input format
Revision version 2.08 - 2004.06.16 - NSF - Add 國語辭典附錄
Revision version 2.09 - 2004.07.30 - NSF - Start literature section:, project gutenberg
Revision version 2.10 - 2004.08.18 - NSF - Start News and Blog section
Revision version 2.11 - 2004.08.27 - NSF - Revise wordings of 東東
Revision version 2.12 - 2004.09.28 - NSF - Add HKCEE science glossary
Revision version 2.13 - 2004.11.03 - NSF - Add Cambridge Dict; get 線上字典集, to be studied
Revision version 2.14 - 2004.11.16 - NSF - Add TImes, DW, and Spiegel to news section
Revision version 2.15 - 2005.05.18 - NSF - Add AmerSci, Fermi lab
Revision version 2.16 - 2005.05.20 - NSF - Add map and traffic section
Revision version 2.17 - 2005.05.24 - NSF - Add Oxford Reference Online
Revision version 2.18 - 2005.05.27 - NSF - Add traffic and map section; new format
Revision version 2.19 - 2005.06.15 - NSF - Add 新譯本; fix 國語辭典
Revision version 2.20 - 2005.08.03 - NSF - Add 吳經熊新經全集及聖詠譯義, 牧靈聖經, cathlinks
Revision version 2.21 - 2005.09.06 - NSF - Update OALD location; Change map section to traffic
Revision version 2.22 - 2005.09.07 - NSF - Update link of 線上中文工具
Revision version 2.23 - 2005.11.10 - NSF - Add
Revision version 2.24 - 2005.12.23 - NSF - Add 黃頁地圖
Revision version 2.25 - 2006.01.04 - NSF - Add caltechc lit list
Revision version 2.26 - 2006.01.16 - NSF - Add GNU Win II
Revision version 2.27 - 2006.01.17 - NSF - Start Games, gov and Hist sections
Revision version 2.28 - 2006.01.26 - NSF - Add 康熙字典
Revision version 2.29 - 2006.02.17 - NSF - Add saigema links
Revision version 2.30 - 2006.02.23 - NSF - Add 呂振中
Revision version 2.31 - 2006.02.28 - NSF - Add troyis, ODL
Revision version 2.32 - 2006.03.07 - NSF - Add 舊報, 副刊, 玲瓏, 文搜
Revision version 2.32 - 2006.03.13 - NSF - Add 大公, 喃喃轉拼, 拼音標注, 中研院漢籍
Revision version 2.33 - 2006.03.22 - NSF - Start Img section
Revision version 2.34 - 2006.04.10 - NSF - Add Loop, wikipedia OSS, javatest
Revision version 2.35 - 2006.04.20 - NSF - Start Map section. Add chgis, 中國地圖, HGL
Revision version 2.36 - 2006.05.03 - NSF - Add 東大善本, 唐明清律, 哥大歷史圖檔
Revision version 2.37 - 2006.05.04 - NSF - Add 新亞漢籍
Revision version 2.38 - 2006.05.25 - NSF - Add WordNet, Morrision hk40s photos
Revision version 2.39 - 2006.05.25 - NSF - Start Hist forum. Add 史學連線
Revision version 2.39 - 2006.06.12 - NSF - Add OpenScience, microintro
Revision version 2.40 - 2006.07.31 - NSF - Add G.lang, dict.leo, beolingus, etlym
Revision version 2.41 - 2006.08.01 - NSF - Start Film section. Add opensubtitles, doom9, 愛問
Revision version 2.41 - 2006.09.14 - NSF - Add 審音配詞字庫 (音)
Revision version 2.42 - 2006.12.15 - NSF - Add openclipart
Revision version 2.43 - 2007.02.12 - NSF - Add
Revision version 2.44 - 2007.03.07 - NSF - Add tasklist, 漢典, 潘悟雲中古音
Revision version 2.45 - 2007.03.14 - NSF - Add arxiv, gfw.test, imdb
Revision version 2.46 - 2007.04.03 - NSF - Add NJB (new jerusalem bible)
Revision version 2.46a - 2008.01.08 - NSF - Change 民國教育部辭典 section
Revision version 2.46b - 2008.02.13 - NSF - Add tmp section
Revision version 2.46c - 2010.06.16 - NSF - Add 聖經新漢語譯本

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Thursday, December 28, 2006


K. safari underground
電影人生夢 孤草 makuranososhi
藍藍 Vicio愛電影
餘弦棧 公園仔 華利/不如縮小 柔光優影

Bluescreen Dosss Corner 家明絮語 王進角度
林震宇 偶像邁克
電影節筆記連線 hkbg光影筆記

imdb, mac0706

Monday, December 25, 2006


天堂花園: 輓章悼辭 MTA: 白事 ----- 從求婚的年三十
謹具 __(A)___ 奉賀 ___________(B)_________ 笑納 ___(C)___ 之喜 ______(D)____ 鞠躬
賀結婚: -新婚之喜(賀男女雙方都適用) -燕爾之喜(賀男方用) -好逑之喜(賀男方用) -于歸之喜(賀女方用) -出閣之喜(賀女方用) -添妝之喜(賀女方用) -聯婚之喜(聯賀男女方用) -于飛之喜(聯賀男女方用) 賀男方父親有一個新心抱(不是新金鋪呀): -新翁之喜(第一次當老爺) -疊翁之喜(當男方父親已不是第一次成為家翁) 賀男方母親有一個新心抱(都說不是新金鋪咯): -新姑之喜(就算不是第一次當家姑,都不要寫疊姑之喜啊!沒有這個詞的) 賀男方祖父有一個新孫心抱(不是辛酸呀): -太翁之喜 賀男方伯叔主婚(很少有這個情況吧!): -新伯之喜 -冠姪之喜 賀男方兄長主婚: -冠弟之喜 賀女方父母有新女婿: -令媛于歸之喜 賀女方兄長有新妹夫: -令妹于歸之喜

Saturday, December 23, 2006


GPL unless otherwise specified. (keys: *=must; +=further) 

* vim: text editor (GPL)
* ghostview: ps and eps viewer (GPL)
+ convertz: 中文內碼轉換工具 (Freeware)
* xpdf and pdftk: pdf toolkit
* pdftk builder: graphical ui version of pdftk
* qvpdf: pdf creator
* pdf-xchange viewer: pdf viewer with editing functions, no watermarks (Freeware)
+ foxit pdf reader:  small, light pdf viewer. save embedding watermarks (Freeware)
* pdfill free pdf tools: including cropping page
* dopdf: any output size

* MikTeX: Latex for win32
* Winshell: User front-end
* DVIwin: Dvi viewer
* Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
* IguanaTex: PowerPoint add-in to enter latex formula
* TeXsword: LaTeX macro package for Microsoft Word

* GnuWin32:   Win32-versions of GNU tools (GPL)
* 7-zip:  file archiver, like winzip (GPL)
* windirstat:  disk usage statistics (GPL)
* rainlendar: desktop calendar
+ regcleanr
* the font thing
* spybot
* easycleaner: registry cleaner
+ regscanner
+ shexview and RegDllView: displays what dll are running in background | and registered
* unlocker: tackle the cannot-delete-folder-in-use problem
* microsoft powertoys (beware MS's checking system)
+ powermenu: make windows become transparent
+ easycleaner: registry cleaner
+ krumsick keymapper

*InfraRecorder: dvd burner. light.

* iview32: fast, small graphic viewer (freeware). plug-in: paint.dll.
* gimp: GNU Image Manipulation Program (GPL).
* inkscape: vector graphics editor (GPL)
+ blender: 3D graphic tool
+ photofiltre:  image retouching program 
+ ascgen2: ASCII art generator
+ Teddy: 3d paint

* k-lite mega pack: free collection of codecs and related tools (freeware)
+ audacity: fast multi-track audio editor and recorder (GPL)
+ mpeg2jpeg: stronghorse's mpeg capture ulit. and other programs (freeware)
* doom9: site where all film handling tools can be found
+ cam studio: record all screen and audio activity on your computer (can produce swf)
* formatfactory convert format and join videos and images

* filezilla:   fast FTP and SFTP client (GPL)
+ lynx: text-mode web browser (open-source)
* firefox: web browser (open-source)
* wackget: wget with gui
+ xampp lite: tiny Apache/MySQL/PHP server
* nullget: streaming downloader
+ hfs: light http server. no installation. single file (usage)
* xVideoServiceThief:online video downloader (GNU)

* Perl

* 數學繪圖工具增益集
*geogebra: geometric drawing
*eigenmath: algebra
*speed crunch: calculator
*gretl: statistics
*R and Rcmdr: statistics
*gnu octave: numerical computation
*maxima: algebra
*gnuplot: graph plotting
*lists in wikipedia: graphing software - statistic,  algebra systems, numerical analysis,  geometry

Firefox extention, etc.
* theme: curacao, 708090
* extension: Adblock, IE view, ViewSourceWith, TargetAlert, WebDeveloper, 
ShowIP, Right Encoding, Download Statusbar, User Agent Switcher, Sage, 

original version

Portable application
* PortableApps

*Wikipedia: list of software
*Open source alternative
*portabale applications
*make use of: free software. No trials or buy-to-use. 

Thursday, December 21, 2006


* 角動量守恆 Discman zero gravity
* 表面張力 water balloon in zero gravity * unsw physclips * walking on non-newtonian liquid: They filled a pool with a mix of cornstarch and water made on a concrete mixer truck. It becomes a non-newtonian fluid. When stress is applied to the liquid it exhibits properties of a solid. 聲學 * 二維振動 sound magic 材料
* hydrophobic magic sand EM
* easy magnet lamp * simplest motor in the world (homopolar) (cell itself) (nail) 人體系統 * 3D medical animations from Nucleus Medical Art 呼吸
* 吸煙對肺部影響的實驗 Cells and genetics * UTan Genetics, esp. Amazing Cells general sci *(fair test) 貓能銜走的最重的魚 *Why guys: Physics Video Clip Archives 拍攝手法典範: *Steve Spangler Science *Quirkology: Top 10 quirky science tricks for parties, Ten more science stunts for parties, Another 10 quirky science stunts *MinutePhysics Hour Physics: What makes a good (or bad) youtube science video - science site: * steve spangler * franklin institution: habitat * danagerously fun * Evolution 101 * Scientific American videos img and animations: * 3dscience: 3d art in biology * photographs of an individual's cervix for one whole menstrual cycle.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Sunday, December 17, 2006

tools online



Time killer


Saturday, December 16, 2006

photo sources

low price

  • dreamstime: about HK$10/image
  • istockphoto: about HK$30/image
  • fotolia: about US$3/medium image
  • canstockphoto (subscription)
  • shutterstock (subscription)
  • bigstockphoto: US$1,2,4,6
  • stockxpert: US$1 for 800x600 image


  • nasa earth observatory
  • nasa visible earth

    free, non-commerial

  • free webpage headers
  • Friday, December 15, 2006


  • flumpcakes: CSS Optimiser
  • ClevaTreva Designs: CSS Form
  • ClevaTreva Designs: CSS Dropdowns
  • Maxdesign CSS list
  • Kalsey CSS tabs
  • Simplebits CSS tabs
  • Silverorange labs: Updated Simple CSS Tabs
  • CSS Play: CSS toys
  • CSS Beauty: CSS gallery
  • web design from scratch
  • 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding
  • Colorlovers
  • Wednesday, December 13, 2006


    sidekick's mp3 player (swf)

    <embed height="24" width="290" src=" player.swf?soundFile=http://"> </embed>

    dfazen's mp3 player (swf)

    <embed src='' quality='high' pluginspage='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='256' height='50' repeat='yes'> </embed>

    google's video player (swf)

    <embed height="24" width="290" src=" autoPlay=true&playerMode=fullscreen"> </embed>

    Tuesday, December 12, 2006


    政府公報 (1997-) ..

    Saturday, December 09, 2006

    Thursday, December 07, 2006

    poor man's website

    a summary of using free resources to build a website for an organization. from 人行道: blogging Jesus | 貧窮教會的網站:
    Saturday, September 10, 2005


    需要相簿功能,使用FLICKR,不但可以把相片直接秀在首頁,還可以利用note的功能,使圖片說明更生動(例子)。需要分類的功能,使用 javascript feeds就 可以補足blogger.com這方面的不足。透過newsgator,可以把會友個人網誌的新文章直接update在首頁。使用google groups,教會可以建立一個簡單的電子報系統(願意開放任何人發言,就會變成討論區),直接把週報以及活動通知寄到每個人的信箱裡(要漂亮的請找 PCHOME)。想要強化功能,租個空間來搞podcast吧,不過教會如果可以租主機的話,應該也不需要使用免費的blogger.com了吧。

    Tuesday, December 05, 2006

    Online Lectures

    * BBC4 Reith Lectures  (2007: Brain (pic))
    * TED: 20min lectures about ideas worth spreading
    * Harvard@Home: over 60 lectures
    * MIT open courses
    * UCTV: documentaries, faculty lectures, research symposiums, etc. 
    * world lecture hall
    * cuhk shkp nobel lectures 
    * princeton webmedia
    * 中大通識沙龍
    * CUHK Physics: Public Lectures Online
    * CN Yang and K Young: Thematic melodies of 20th century theoretical physics lecture
    * R Feynman: Law of gravitation
    * Nottingham U: Periodic Table of Videos
    * 開卷八分鐘
    * 鏘鏘三人行